Showing 1–12 of 36 results

Back Blade

It use for grading land making roads are needing to removes snow

Boom Sprayer

This is used for spraying of pesticides, insecticides, fungicides and micro-nutrients on different crops e.g. cotton, vegetables and sugar cane etc.

Chisel Plow

A Chisel Plow is a heavy-duty agricultural tool used primarily for deep tillage, soil aeration, and breaking up compacted soil layers. It is designed to break up hard, compacted soil without turning it over.

Cotton Bed Planter

It use for planting the maize seeds one beds its benefits to save water 30-50% increases in yield 10-30% due to better planting density height water and fertilizer use efficiencies less weeds in the standing crops.


This implement use for braking up the ground and up roots weeds.

Disc Harrow

Disc Harrow are typically use for preparing the ground before planting. It design to disturb soil constantly all along the full working width. It is also use to clean up unwanted weeds are crop residue.

Disc Plow

It uses for deep plowing in hard soil and mixes the remain of crops and weeds it is ideal for rain-fed areas for checking soil erosion by water and wind.

Fodder Cutter Cum Chopper

It use for making silage and transfer into trolley at the same time in the field. for cattle.

Fodder Cutter Disc Mover

The Rotary Disc Mower is a tractor towed horizontal cutter for cutting grass-type forages such as Alfalfa (Lucerne) etc. After mowing the grass, the machine leaves it in the field for drying. This increases its shelf life and preserves its nutritional value.

Food Chopper

This cutting machine can cut hay, grass, and paddy straw into small pieces for cattle.

Front Blade

It use for pushing Sand, Dirt, Manure, Graver & Snow Etc.

Grass Mover

A lawn mower is a machine used to mow grass or plants. This machine is commonly used to tidy up the garden and also to clear the grass from field.